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RE: [cpx] Adding a domain to /www/conf (migrating vps2 -> vps3)

Fred Bloggs wrote on 3/13/2008 10:39:43 AM:

>>         You can change the hostname of the new servers to be the real
>> domain, as well.  The down side is that mail generated on the new
>> will not leave, because Sendmail "knows" that mail for that domain
>> should be delivered locally.
> That's no problem, as it's the webserver we're dealing with. E-mail
> is not really a problem.

	Unless the web server generates e-mails to that domain
(presumably during testing of web forms), which then won't leave the new
server to be delivered to the old server.

 - Steve Yates
 - ITS, Inc.
 - Pentium slogan: One bad opcode wouldn't kill everyone.

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