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Re: [cpx] How does CPX know what domains exist?

So, how can I tell CPX this test.videosignals.com domain is gone?

I got this from support (it was actually for changing DA, but you can delete the domain references and restart_apache):-

Go to
With in that directory there is a file called
In the the cpx configuration file remove the domain entry, where there is listed

Then you will have to edit the virtual host in the
file located at /www/conf/httpd.conf


At 10:14 AM 4/14/2005 -0400, you wrote:

In setting up a test for a client, I created a temporary A record for

and pointed it at my new server, and put their web content there. Manually edited httpd.conf to add a simple virtualhost for this domain

They, today I moved the full domain over, adding

Now I have a virtualhost entry I manually added
        ServerName     test.videosignals.com
        DocumentRoot   /home/videosignals/www/videosignals.com

and the real one,
        ServerName     videosignals.com
        ServerAlias    www.videosignals.com
        DocumentRoot   /home/videosignals/www/videosignals.com

Note that then point to the same document root, so I could use test.videosignals.com to view their web content before I had moved over videosignals.com

Well, now the move is done, and I wanted to clean up test.videosignals.com -- I deleted the virtual host entry, and restarted Apache. Went back into CPX, and I still saw the entry (with 5MB used). I strong suspect if I delete this entry, it will delete all the files in

which would NOT be good!

So, how can I tell CPX this test.videosignals.com domain is gone?


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