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Re: [cpx] Junk Mail in CPX

When you setup a user in CPX, you have the option to give the user webmail / spamassassin / clamav. If you are doing a global config (not setup in CPX - this is done manually in /usr/local/etc/procmailrc) for clamav, then there is no reason to grant the user clamav rights:

Offer the End User the following mail-related applications and services:

Webmail client
SpamAssassin (junk mail filtering)
Clam AntiVirus (virus protection)

When you install CPX - clamav and spamassassin are installed, regardless if your users are using them or not. Removing clamav from a user will not remove clamav from the server - it only edits the users procmail recipe settings.

	How does one do this?  Does disabling ClamAV in the Mail
settings of the server admin turn it off server wide?

- Steve Yates
- ITS, Inc.
- Gun Fighting Rule: The only thing worse than a miss, is a slow miss.

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