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Re: [cpx] cpx handling of email and web splitted

> Of course if it happens after the fact, you will then need to go in
> and manually remove the entries, etc.  (as we have to do now)
> James

yes we do that when the customer do not understand why they cannot reach
their customer anymore :)  Also it seems that adding an alias name say
ghislain.fr to ghislain.com just rewrite the sendmail's config so each
time they touch the domain we must do something. In vps where the
customer has no mail we chnaged sendmail config not to look at the
local-host-names and that alone save the day but we have a lot of
customer now that are splitting the mail away(google win a lot with
their free 25gb email box per account with high filtering etc......).

 a little rant here : I hope mail will cease soon this protocol smtp/pop
is broken obsolete and simply do not work anymore (email RFC are a mess,
protocols do not understand 8bit encoding or even compression natively
!!). When 90% of a thing is crap you do not keep it and 90% of mail is
spam, if a weapon hurt you instead of protecting you nine time out of
ten you would stop using it but email is more resilient to that. I pray
each day for the collapse of this legacy system. When will email 2.0
come ? (please do NOT say wawes even if i must agree it LOOKS
interesting but i fear it need to be CENTRALIZED in the hand of his
creator to work 100% functionality)

 But we digress, so cpx + noemail option = good way to handle the
situation  of helping people grow the google monopoly slipt email and
web  if i can't stop it i have to have a way to make things easy for me
in this situation. So it's time to call BatRus, send the Bat signal James !


Ghislain ADNET.

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