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Re: [cpx] Vanity Domain / E-mail Only

On Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 04:56:42PM -0800, Ricardo Newbery wrote:
> I've done WebDAV setups before.  I'm assuming you are suggesting just 
> setting up WebDAV access to the Domain Admin's web file space.  Okay, 
> I guess that will work.  But ever try explaining WebDAV to your 
> average non-webtech-savvy client?

Agreed--the explanation is a bit of overhead, but once setup it "just
works" (usually).

> Alternately, I guess I could also just set up yet another file 
> management web app in addition to CPX but again... one more app to 
> explain, train, and support.  This is the solution I'm currently 
> leaning toward.
> A CPX integrated solution would be much easier to demonstrate and to 
> train people how to use.

I also agree here; I'll be sure to pass my notes along to product

> Okay... so, assuming this description of the CPX security model is 
> accurate, let me try to suggest a possible solution.
> As a Server Admin, when you add a domain, you are given the option to 
> assign the domain to a previously defined User.  This user then 
> becomes the Domain Admin for that Domain.  A useful option here would 
> be a second optional user field in case you want to assign a 
> different user to 'own' the domain's web files from the user assigned 
> to be the Domain Admin.  This makes it possible to assign the "manage 
> web files" feature at domain creation time a bit more flexibly and 
> also conveniently solves the quota allocation side issue at the same 
> time.
> This option seems like it can be added without doing any violence to 
> the CPX model.  Any thoughts?

Sure, but it would require more design changes that what I was
proposing, which is allow end users the ability to manage (as a new
"service" or "privilege") some of the same things that a domain admin

For example, a DA can select a particular end user and grant them
"domain document root file manager" privs (or some easy-to-understand
phrasing) or grant them "domain email address management" so that the
end user can add/edit/remove email addresses using the email address
management tab, etc.

In any case, none of this has been designed yet; our UI team will be
looking at this as part of a future enhancement and decide what is

Scott Wiersdorf
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