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Re: [cpx] Wishlist: forgotten password

At 06:06 PM 4/22/2005, Scott Wiersdorf wrote:
I still don't see how the end user could receive the new password
securely. I can't be mailed to their CPX account (since they need the
password to login). I'm open to any other ideas you might have on
this. You can do the "what is the name of your pet?" style of
authentication, but that's essentially another (much, much, weaker)
form of authentication and has to be stored also somewhere on the

Actually, because CPX is used for more than just mail and the mail is POP3, in most cases users are getting their email through their email client instead of reading it on the Webmail. Their email client holds the password (although it is ***** and is unable to read) but they can still get email. A new password could be sent to them and they could receive it.

I have a number of programs running that will handle the forgotten password in a number of different ways. For instance, one program will regenerate a password and send it to them. Another makes them authenticate with a passcode before sending them the password.

I do understand the concern for security and am aware that basic authentication doesn't provide for a password to be sent. However, there should be a way to do this without jeopardizing security. I know that my time is better spent without having to reset passwords for people who don't write things down. I'll give this some more thought to see if I can come up with a suggestion or two.

Keep up the good work, guys.

Best wishes,
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