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Re: [cpx] Unable to view properties on a domain

Nope, that would not be it.  Here is the vhost entry:

## vaddhost: (routerbitworld.com) at
    User           rbwmainsite
    Group          rbwmainsite
    ServerName     routerbitworld.com
    ServerAlias    www.routerbitworld.com etc.com etc.com etc...
    ServerAdmin    webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    DocumentRoot   /usr/local/apache/sites/rbwmainsite/www/routerbitworld.com
    ScriptAlias    /cgi-bin/ "/usr/local/apache/sites/rbwmainsite/www/cgi-bin/"
    <Directory /usr/local/apache/sites/rbwmainsite/www/cgi-bin>
        AllowOverride None
        Options ExecCGI
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    CustomLog /usr/local/apache/logs/rbwmainsite/routerbitworld.com-access_log combined
    ErrorLog /usr/local/apache/logs/rbwmainsite/routerbitworld.com-error_log
</VirtualHost> -----------------------------------------------

Any other ideas?


On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, Scott Wiersdorf wrote:

On Wed, Jan 05, 2005 at 06:04:53AM -0700, Jonathan Duncan wrote:
Well, I assume you mean the hostname that is set in the viaVerio Backroom.
The answer is yes.  So, I have now changed that in the backroom but I the
action items for the routerbitworld.com domain are still grayed out.  Do I
need to reinstall CPX?  Or is that unrelated to the action items and more
related to my comment about the www user?

Here's an idea: perhaps routerbitworld.com does not have a virtualhost
entry. That is, it's the primary hostname for the Apache server also.

CPX doesn't know how to edit non-virtualhost domains yet. It's an open
issue we want to address. The solution would be to set your servername
(at the httpd.conf file level, not in a virtualhost) to something
temporary and move all of your primary configuration items into a
virtualhost. At this stage, however, I'm not sure what cpx would do,
having the primary hostname ripped out of it's place.

Scott Wiersdorf
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