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[cpx] CPX - logging in as any user with admin password

Maybe I'm the only one that didn't know this (wouldn't be the first time), but I had just downloaded and was glancing through the reseller's Partner Technical Certification Guide and came across something that I really wish I had known about before, so maybe there's someone else that could benefit from knowing this (which is why I've cross posted to the VPS3 list):

To login to CPX as a different user, use the following for the Login ID:

Where admin is the login of the Administrator and user is the Login ID of the user in question.
Use the Administrator password.

That's it, pretty simple, but could be very handy at times.

Now I'm going to go back to the Guide and look at it more closely to see if I can uncover some other good nuggets of information. You never know what you don't know, and in my case I'm sure that's a lot :-)

Brian White
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