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[cpx] CPX, savelogs and log file handling...

At 03:05 PM 02/23/2005, you wrote:
> By default, I don't think savelogs knows how to do this, but I did see
> --postmovehook="/www/bin/apachectl graceful"
> which seems that it will take care of this if you add it.

Yes. Mark was asking about logs under /home/*, which should never be live Apache log files.


CPX makes
        /home/user/www/logs/mydomain.com (symbolic link)

Apache makes then

If you have 50 domains, that's 50 * 2 TransferLogs/ErrorLogs that Apache keeps open? Since each virtual host can have those two directives... If if you say "no logs" you get
        TransferLog     /dev/null

so that still takes up a file descriptor and the overhead of write to a file, correct? (albeit the latter being faster).

And in my crontab, there are 50 @daily commands to rotate the logs, and EACH has the
        --postmovehook="/www/bin/apachectl graceful"

so Apache will be gracefully restarted about a zillion times whenever the @daily runs... Seems like this isn't the best configuration for CPX but you don't have much choice if you want the log files...

I'll probably cut out all the log file directives in the virtualhost tht CPX writes, and not change that domain. That way it won't put them back (I hope!!) and I can now have my common server-wide log file.

Too bad CPX doesn't given choices like this: (do those come from vaddhost?)

Please select one of the following transfer log options for this
virtual host. If you specify a custom path, it is strongly recommended
NOT to place the logs in any location that the user can write to them.

    1) no transfer log
    2) log to server transfer log
    3) log to combined virtual host log
    4) log to separate virtual host log

Please select a logging option [4]:

I'd probably opt for [2] ...

Any comments from CPX? Seems there is no activity on that list...


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