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Re: [cpx] creation of a default home page

Here's something that has been needed for awhile...

When a new domain is added, how about the creation of a default index.html or some other type of file for an initial home page? Some sort of a template file that could be edited?

Having it populate the domain directory with a default home page would be excellent and save one or two extra steps in the process of setting up an account. I always end up having to upload a file, or pico it into existance, then chowning and chgrping it... just extra steps that could be avoided simply by having a default home page template that could be edited.

Not that I don't agree this is a good idea and would be better (and assuming you don't already have an automated process that does all this for you), you can easily have your own generic default page that you use for each new account, and then in my case, since I log in via FTP as the new main account user anyway (just to confirm that it works before turning it over to the client), you can quickly upload your default page. Just takes a second, and you don't have to bother with changing ownerships or permissions since you're already logged in as the main user.

Brian White


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