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[cpx] Separation of Roles

Wondering whether CPX can (or will soon) support the separation of File Management role from the Mail accounts.

I typically set up my clients with a single account to administer the domain, including managing the email forwards and the web file space. This domain account does not have an email account. Instead, all the email accounts for the domain are allocated separately.

Sometimes, I even go one step further and set up three separate roles. Domain manager, web space manager, and email accounts.

This makes it easier for clients to give access to the web space area without simultaneously granting access to their main email account or any other management tools. It also reduces some other security issues involved with sharing the main domain username/password with an email account.

I can't seem to reproduce this setup in CPX. If I uncheck any privilege (Mail, FTP, File Management, or Shell Access) for the Domain Admin, it also turns off the ability to create (or edit!) End Users with this privilege. Since you can already restrict the "grant" privileges separately from the domain admin account privileges, I can't think of any reason for this sort of restriction. Is there a fix?

Also, if I understand correctly, CPX's model seems to assume that the Domain Manager account will also be the one that should "own" the domain file space. Has any thought been given to separating the Domain Admin role from the domain's web space file management role?

And finally, how does the quota allocation work? I've been experimenting and it isn't clear whether the Domain Admin quota is affected at all by the user quota allocations.


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