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[cpx] The CPX race car...

(cross posted in VPS2 as well)

I started using CPX months ago when it was deployed, and quickly noticed it was really slow... it would always time out just trying to log in... that was after 60 seconds. Support's solution was to change some configuration file to increase this time to 5 minutes... and in some cases it did take over 3 minutes to log in... That significantly reduced the usefulness of the tool for me, so I basically "gave up" on it...

I was pursing a mail issue with one of the CPX people this week, and I happened to login in as a server admin... 5 seconds! WOW! This used to take 3 minutes before... Hmmm... now I'll definitely be using it more often!

The CPX folks said they have made significant performance improvements and rolled them out in the last month or so. And they appear to have done so quietly...

Had I not happened to "stumble" back into CPX, I still would be in the state of basically writing it off. Of course, there is the issue that CPX may not fit your model, but if it does, it runs MUCH faster now!

One down side of this is that the server admin can not see the disk usage by domain (this was one of major issues with startup time). You will be able to force it to show the usage with a click, but it will not be the default (this info from one of the CPX developers). This should be released soon...

CPX; "Try it again for the first time" ... it seems to be a changed animal!


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