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[cpx] Templates for spamassassin, etc.

I'd like to have a standard set of options on my spamassassin, say I always want to run spamc with a certain option for all my users? Like
        spamc -s 100

to limit it to 100K messages (or perhaps I need to say -s 102400 but whatever...)

Perhaps this is not quite right, but if there was a default template for CPX for the spamassassin .rc file, the SA could modify that and new users would get that modified version.

Right now if you modify the spamassassin.rc I assume you run the risk of CPX overwriting it with its "stock" version? How safe is it if you modify spamassassin.rc? What CPX actions would cause it to replace it?

Any suggestions for how to add spamc options "safely" in the CPX world?


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