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Re: [cpx] Log files

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 22:40:30 -0700
Scott Wiersdorf <scott@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> so a user cron could do this copy (or hardlink, for that matter,
> saving disk space).

	True.  Before I was looking at hard linking the logs directory
which one can't do.  However, it doesn't appear that one can create a
hard link to a file that doesn't exist yet (log.8.gz, etc).  :(

	Is there an API to get a list of domain names/admins?  I have a
script that parses cpx.conf so creating a cron job for all domains is
relatively simple, but it's so...brute force...to run it every night on
all log files for all users when 99% of the links will already exist.

	Hmmm, how about a CPX suggestion for a "view current log files"
button for domain admins?  That might let them read the current
error/access log file safely, or at least a point-in-time copy of it. 
(RapidSite has one...hint, hint... :)

 - Steve Yates
 - ITS, Inc.
 - I *did* read the docs; that's why I'm confused!

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